Da’Shaunae Marisa

Contact heydashaunae@gmail.com

A Cleveland, Ohio native Da'Shaunae Marisa (b.1996), is a multi-disciplinary artist.

Currently based in Los Angeles.

Available to travel internationally and work as a local in Cleveland OH and NYC .

Da'Shaunae uses her work to communicate the beauty and complexity of Black life in America and around the world. Her work explores the nuance of the connective threads between multiple generations and trauma. She intends for her work to inspire a greater sense of awareness in all humans alike. Da'Shaunae uses her lens in an intimate light while still grounding you to reality.

Da'Shaunae's work has been featured in National Geographic, The New York Times, Aperture, Time, and Google to name a few. Her commercial commissions consist of collaborations with Google, For Freedoms, Target, SnapChat among others. Da'Shaunae is a recent Google Image Equity Award Fellow.

@heydashaunae on all social platforms


Google, The Getty, ForFreedoms, Nike, For Freedoms, Converse, Hollister, New York Times, Apeture, Time, Wall Street Journal, National Geographic, LA Times, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, SnapChat, Target, Dockers, Vice Media, Columbus Dispatch, The Marshall Project, NBC, NPR, The Guardian


Google Image Equity Fellowship


The Cleveland Public Library , Metro Health Hospital